Pregnancy Coaching

Pregnancy Coaching session in English: €125,- (1,5 hours)
Does the impending birth create excitement or fear in you? Would you like to have the feeling of control? Or you want to be well prepared but don’t feel like participating in a full course?
You can book a Pregnancy Coaching session with me. There is space for everything that comes up as you move towards the birth. All attention is for you. I listen, create a safe space and can mirror you and help you to bring things to light or to clear them up. You can come alone or with your partner.
A Pregnancy Coaching session can help you if for example, you do not (yet) have sufficient confidence in the coming birth and are looking for more depth in your process during pregnancy. Or if you have experienced an unpleasant or traumatic birth.
Or if you want to learn how to breathe during the different stages of labour. Tailor-made, especially for and with you.
During the many years of working as a Doula and as a HypnoBirthing® Practitioner, I have gained lots of experience in coaching and support.
A Pregnancy Coaching session can support you:
- If giving birth creates excitement or fear in you
- If you have negative experiences with the hospital, giving birth or other bad experiences that could possibly be triggered during the delivery
- As extra support and/or information about giving birth
- If your partner doesn’t know what he can do to support you
- If you don’t know what to write in your birth plan
- In mourning: pregnant after a miscarriage, a star child, the loss of a family member
- If you don’t want/can’t follow a whole course and still want to be well prepared
These Pregnancy Coaching sessions are very popular and have good results!
The location is in a shared practice in Delfgauw.
Every following 15 minutes €20,-
Does this appeal to you? Call me (06-11146876) or send an email:
You are so welcome!