Rebozo Closing Ceremony


Rebozo Closing Ceremony €195,- (duration 2,5 – 3 hours)

During the birth of your baby you open up, both physically and energetically. The Rebozo Closing Ceremony can be done from 10 days after your birth (until months afterwards!). The body of the mother is energetically “closed” again with the help of a Mexican Rebozo shawl.

Closing of your pregnancy period

The Rebozo Closing Ceremony is a very soothing and grounding experience, both for you and your partner, after which you come home to yourself and can handle more again.The Ceremony takes place in your own home and during the Ritual your baby can be with you and can be fed.

Relaxing, letting go and grounding

Before we start the Ceremony, you will be given the space to tell your birth story (which will help you process) while enjoying a relaxing warm foot bath; you may as well be pampered!

If you have participated in the HypnoBirthing® Course with me, you will receive 10 euro discount!

Every following 15 minutes €20,-
Travel and parking costs will be charged separately (30 ct per km from Delfgauw)

Drees Koren has participated in a Rebozo Closing Ceremony with me for Kiind Magazine and wrote an article about it (in Dutch).

If you like to give yourself this gift, you call me on 06-11146876 or send an email to 

I did the Rebozo Closing Ceremony with Salima.
The foot bath beforehand was wonderful and it was very nice to be able to tell and process my birth story.
The ceremony itself was very special. I was able to give a lot of things a place, very different things than I had thought of beforehand. Each wrapping had its own content and theme. It was also very good that my baby came to drink half way through, which was exactly as it should be. There was plenty of room for that too. For the first time since giving birth, I was able to really relax down to my bones. Salima is a super sweet woman, you immediately feel at ease with her. 100% recommended!

Ariene Krijger