Relationship Coaching

Relationship Coaching around or after the arrival of your baby
€125,- (1,5 hours)
During pregnancy your relationship can change; after all, a mum and dad will be be born too!
This can bring up issues that cause tension; like difficulty in communication, emotions due to the hormones, fears around parenthood or giving birth, old patterns, in short: triggers. It can be quite difficult to see the other just as a trigger and not as the cause. Coaching can help to see clearly again.
To be with what is
I can act as a mirror to show you what it takes to come back to yourself and reconnect with each other, out of love and respect. I create a safe space in which everyone can be themselves.
The location is in a shared practice in Delfgauw.
Every following 15 minutes €20,-
You are both so welcome!
Would you like this? Call me (06-11146876) or send an email to
Pregnancy coaching
If you feel tension or other emotions particularly surrounding childbirth, then Pregnancy coaching may be more appropriate; We can have a talk on the phone to see what your needs are.